Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Short Story Ye Mas a Fatty - 1525 Words
And all because of The Wall. It was a fourteen foot tall structure of stone, cement, and copper. It was twelve feet thick, with iron bars for a gate. It had a 5 foot tunnel of hollow space with little indents for the barrels of guns, with a small amount of glass in a 1 foot tall row all around for looking outside. It had parapets on top. It was perfect for keeping out both the beast and bandits, people who didnt want to live in the city, who found it to risky, but needed it for supplies. All people that entered the city were searched for weapons. It was the only way to keep the people inside safe. It was manned twenty-four seven, always being monitored. Thats what I did. I was the general of the city, a position given to me for being the only one to ever even mark the beast. I had seen it once since that first encounter. It looked at me, and pointed at the indent in its head where the bullet hit. It had given me a look. A look that I knew meant that this was the last time it would sp are me. Its respect for or fear of me had run out. I knew from that moment that the next time I saw it, one of us would end up dead. The odds were against me, so I began to fear myself. I had heard of this city, whose name was lost, though it didnt matter. The people had simply begun to call it Haven. I moved here, and through hard work, I became a soldier. I trained most of my time, having not much else to do. I had no family, no wife or kids. The only thing I had to care for was a dog
Friday, May 15, 2020
Self Assessment - 2720 Words
Abstract Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand, and reason with emotion, and regulate in self and others. It provides the bedrock for the development of a large number of competences that helps people perform more effectively. There are four domains of Emotional Intelligence and they are Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management; within these domains they have 18 competences (Cherniss Goleman, 2001). This paper will provide an self-assessment review of emotional intelligence theory based on my experiences, present understanding, and future goals; using the four domains of emotional intelligence and all 18 competencies to†¦show more content†¦Journaling helps with deeper reflection, getting people to focus on their past experiences, goals, and personal mission. Self-awareness is also developed through completing personality and behavioral questionnaires†(Sadri, 20 11, p. 84) My emotional intelligence in relation to self-awareness in the past was nonexistence; however, I then realized and came to learn that many conflicts on teams and issues with teamwork have been directly linked to communication defaults. I continue to understand how my communication preferences, for instance, how I gather, receive, send, and make decisions continue to affect those who I work with. An administrative assistant involves the skill of planning, coordination of many concurrent activities, organizing various tasks and responsibilities and being very detail-oriented and above being flexible, I strife daily to continue to improve that myself awareness is a continual task into the future. Golnaz Sadri also explained in his article that self-regulation requires that a person observe her own behavior and make changes where necessary and requires that a person set behavior-oriented goals and monitor her progress toward these goals (Emotional Intelligence: Can It Be Taught, 2011). Self-Management Self-management is essential, it suggest the importance of managing one’s emotions by using abilities, such as self-discipline, integrity, and staying motivatedShow MoreRelatedNotes On Self Assessment Tools899 Words  | 4 Pages1. Self assessment tools can be found in several places from self-help books to magazine articles, and sometimes make grand and exaggerated claims. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these self-help tools? Okay to start off, I decided to do a self-assessment based on depression. It’s only nine questions and it was closed-end; so the answers ranged from, â€Å"no, not at all†, â€Å"on some days†, â€Å"on more than half the days†, â€Å"nearly every day†. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Obesity And Its Effects On Obesity - 1281 Words
The famous actor and comedian, Will Ferrell, quoted on twitter, â€Å"Obesity doesn’t run in your family, no one runs in your family†. The joke was intended to be funny, but I’m sure it hit closer to home for a lot of people more than anything else. Many problems in America consist of low employment rates, global warming and, not to forget, obesity. What other country has issues that include the overweight factor? Exactly, none. While mostly adolescent teens to adults are struggling to turn their lives around in the direction from their heavyset days, it should register that obesity can develop at an earlier age, and that is where the work should begin. If our five year olds are sitting on the couch all day eating their third Mcdonald s meal†¦show more content†¦What will we gain? Well it won’t be weight, I can promise you that. However, making phys ed mandatory can promote good health, increase achievement in academics and helps create self-estee m within an individual. Promoting excellent health can be a major outcome from making physical education apart of every child’s lifestyle. The student will learn at a young age how important staying fit and in shape is while taking those lessons with them and executing them later in life. It also advocates healthy eating and an improvement in lifestyle altogether. Bringing habits like these home can also affect the family. Encouraging the whole family to eat and exercise better can be a result from making physical education mandatory. Whether it be more family activities in the backyard, or taking a trip to skyzone to enjoy a day of flips, jumps and friendly dodgeball games, the whole family would have been inspired to become physically active. â€Å"Kids are getting fatter. Obesity rate over the last 30 years have more than quadrupled for children ages 6 to 11 and more than tripled for youths ages 12 to 19. Our children and youths are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blo od pressure, high cholesterol and even asthma.†Henceforth, physical education also has an affect on academic performance, more than one may think. â€Å"A representative study, presented in May at the American College of Sports Medicine, found that fourth- and fifth-grade
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Accounting Software of Amcor Limited-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about a Company in Australia that uses accounting software. Answer: Introduction Amcor Limited is a manufacturing company that deals in rigid plastic packaging and producing flexible. It is an Australian based company that deals in packaging. The products of Amcor are responsible for protecting beverages, food, medicines and personal care products. Its headquarters is in Victoria, Australia. In the year of 1860, this company was founded. That time it was known as Australian Paper Manufacturers. Later on it was named as Amcor in the year 1986. It is known to be the largest PET bottles producer in the world. The main focus of this report is to discuss about the implementation of accounting software in the Amcor Limited. It also describes the structure of the organization along with the competitive advantages of Amcor Limited. It also talks about the accounting software that this company uses for its operations and in order to improve its efficiency. There are several benefits and limitations present in the current structure and software of the organization. Accounting software can be used by this organization to carry out their job in an effective and efficient manner Current Organizational Structure Amcor is an Australian based manufacturing company (Amcor.com 2017). It has an organizational structure that is hierarchical in nature. The top level constitute of the managing director. Then the next level consists of the directors of several departments like finance, operations, marketing and human resource management. Then there is the level of managers of the various departments like marketing, personal manager, production team leaders and finance supervisors. The lowest level constitute of production team members, sales team and accounts assistants. The management team is very strong and its main focus is the innovation. Figure 1: Organizational Structure (Source: Lunenburg 2012) This is the general organizational structure of the company (Fan, Wong and Zhang, 2013). The detailed organizational structure is given as below. Figure 2: Organizational Structure (Source: Sapinsider.wispubs.com 2017) This diagram shows the overall hierarchical structure of the company. Its management team is very strong and it can be also shown in terms of hierarchy as given below. This type of structure is organized in nature and helps the organization to maintain a stable state. All the employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities (Sapinsider.wispubs.com 2017). They know whom to report in case of any emergency and important issue. There are fixed rules that are to be followed in the company. The goals of the company are clearly defined and it is very easy for Amcor to achieve its goals by following this structure because the tasks are clear while employees are executing it. Operational problems faced by Amcor due to its Structure There are several loopholes of having this organizational structure. This structure does not allow Amcor to work in a flexible manner (CorporateSite 2017). It also creates problem in planning for any long term goals because future is uncertain and this structure might not be profitable in the future. This structure also acts as a barrier in case of creativity Amcor targets to become the most innovative company in the world but this structure comes in its way. The roles of some department become very active while there are some departments that remain idle. This type of structure does not allow two way communications leading to communication gap (Tran and Tian 2013). This structure leads to a cause of low team spirit. In future this might lead to serious troubles affecting the morale of the employees. The operational problems which they face are the less visibility in the supply chain management of the company (Singh 2013). Another issue is the barrier in case of innovation. There are gap in the skills of the workers. They have to think about the environment too. Their main issue is to balance maintenance along with high productivity. System Acquisition Method of Amcor Limited Amcor Limited uses the Enterprise Resource Planning software. The several software used by this company are SAP ERP 6.0, SAP SCM 5.0 and SAP CRM 7.0. These solutions help the company to perform very well in the industry. The cost of processing sales order is reduced and the time to calculate the selling price is also less. The cash flow is increased. The potential of investment is increasing. The revenue of the company is increased sue to the acquisition of ERP. The number of stock outages is less because of reliable materials. Freight costs are reduced due to this acquisition. There is little functionality in SAP that is not present in other software. SAP uses (Oxygen 2017). This ERP is complimented by the use of Microsoft Office word. System Flowchart of the Sales Procedures The sales model in a manufacturing company is not so well developed and is inadequate in nature. The sales process begins with determining the needs, sales teams and actions to be taken. It starts with the customer (Gunasekaran and Spalanzani 2012). The customer first requests for an order. The manufacturer checks whether the products are available or are feasible for production and then sells or manufactures further products. This process is repetitive in nature and has no such issues. In the flow chart below we get to see that the customer first places the order and then the company approves or disapproves the order request based on certain conditions (Hosgor, 2015). Then if the order gets approved the manufacturer plays its role. After the products are ready it is sold to the customers. Figure 3: System Flowchart of the Sales Procedure (Source: Ingram et al. 2012) The above flow chart gives a clear idea about the sales procedure in Amcor Limited. Control Problems and Different Types of Frauds that are Possible in this System There are several problems associated with the present ERP system in the organization. First and foremost implementation of this type of software is highly expensive for the company. These types of systems are highly complex and are not under the total control of the organizations. Several numbers of experts are required in order to maintain the ERP system. Severe training is required for the purpose of handling this system. If the software is outdated then it can crash the entire system leading to loss of sensitive data. There is a chance of insufficient capability of reporting that can lead the company to an external reporting as well as loss of data control (Christauskas and Miseviciene 2012). Any kind of delay in update can lead to vulnerabilities in the software. In case of lack of security and compliance standards, this can lead to severe issue. There are also several kinds of frauds that can take place along with this system. There can be fictitious vendor that are created in the system. For these kinds of fictitious vendors there can be fictitious bank accounts too. The signatures in the invoice can also be false misguiding the company. The invoice distribution can be coded to a wrong account. There can be a lot of false or fake supplier master and bank accounts without any documentation. Development and Adoption of the Accounting Software Packages There are several accounting software that can be adopted like Xero, Myob and Quickbooks. There are several issues in using traditional software like the system is not always up to date. Data needs to be moved from one place to another and using software keeps the data only in one place. Access is only there in the hand of one person. It is expensive and slow at the same time. On the other hand these cloud accounting software are very useful for the business in terms of cost and effectiveness. It increases the efficiency of the system. The accounting software that is used by the Amcor Limited is called Reval (Reval 2017). This is Software as a service platform for the organization for the purpose of management of treasury and management of risk. This software helps to manage cash and liquidity and also understand the financial risk of a company. These are used by more than 650 companies around the world. It provides a superior customer experience increasing the return on investment o f the company. It provides a scalable solution. It also provides global support. Current Market Size The graph provided below give the current market size of Amcor Limited. It shows the share price for the last 1 year. It can be seen the performance has improved. The performance has been fluctuating but there was a tremendous improvement around July 2017 (Amcor.com 2017). Although the share price at present is less but the performance of the company is high. Figure 4: Market Size of Amcor Ltd. (Source: Amcor.com 2017) Leaders in the Market and Competitive Advantage The top leaders in this industry are Georgia Pacific, Silgan Holdings Inc. along with Amcor Limited. Silgan Holdings is one of the leading suppliers of rigid packaging of goods products. Its annual sales and revenue in the year 2016 was reported to be 3.6 billion dollars (Silganholdings.com 2017). This company is one of the main competitors of Amcor Limited. Georgia pacific on the other hand is an American company that is considered to be worlds largest manufacturer of paper. Amcor can be considered to be leader in this field with annual revenue of 9.5 billion dollars. The competitive advantage of this company is its innovation. Its main focus is always on customer satisfaction that has led to the tremendous growth of the company. Among the accounting software Reval is considered to be the market leader along with Xero, Myob and Quickbooks. Existing Challenges Encountered by Users of Accounting Software There are several challenges that are involved in using the accounting software. The most challenging issue is the lack of security because the data is present in the cloud and if it gets hacked then it will become accessible to anyone affecting many users. The reporting service facility of the system is very low. It also affects the efficiency of the system. Some of the accounting software systems are not up to date that affects the productivity of the organization. The software may not user friendly and is very difficult for all the employees of the company to use. It can also affect the accuracy of the system. Some of the systems have inefficient and insufficient features but are extremely expensive. These types of software do not have any bank reconciliation features (Christauskas and Miseviciene 2012). The customer relationship management feature is extremely poor. Sometimes the accounting software is not compatible with their system. Technical supports are not present for the e ntire time. The technical support that can be provided over the phone is very inconvenient. The access speed is also less sometimes. This affects the productivity of the system. The organization using such software suffers because their work has to come to a stop because of the problem of speed in the system. These are the disadvantages associated with using the accounting software. Recommendations Installation of proper security policy can resolve most of the issues mentioned above. A strong firewall can help the system to overcome most of the risks related to the security issue of the system. This will allow only authorized users to access the system while it will disallow unauthorized users. Network security software will help to protect the software from any type of misuse of the data. Financial models used by the Amcor Limited must use a flexible model for the proper efficiency of the system. A driver based solution will allow the use of software for any other purpose too. The adaptability of the system must be good in order to get accustomed to any type of work. Conclusion This report concludes that the accounting packages used by the Amcor Limited are based on cloud computing technology, rather Software as a Service. There are several challenges and benefits associated by the software used by the company. These challenges can be rectified by proper procedures and methods. This report also discusses about the factors behind the success of the company and its competitive advantages. This report also gives a brief outline about the organizational structure and its loopholes. 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