Friday, December 27, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Music Essay - 1056 Words
Music Hip-Hop Getting a Bad Rap Among many problems in society today, rap music is being blamed for the confusion of Americas youths. One key problem is the way a child is raised. Not having a positive role model can have a powerful effect on a child. The other dilemma is the type of rap music. Gangster rappers lyrics seem to corrupt and have a negative image on a youths mind. Two possible steps to taking the blame away from rap music is by placing the spotlight on other influences such as friends and even the family as the source of confusion. The other by promoting rap artists whose lyrics has a positive message. The nations youth are experiencing pain and confusion; and they need someone to look up to. In todays society,†¦show more content†¦It is not only the female listener that is effected. The song may leave an equally compelling impression on these young males. These young men may actually believe what Dr. Dre is saying. They might disrespect women while looking down upon them. So, in order to change the attitude of defying women and change the attitudes of Americas impressionable youths; people need to step up and talk back to the gangsters like Queen Latifah did in her song U.N.I.T.Y where she tells women, You aint a b---- or a ho. This song was strongly accepted by the American youths, especially the females. There are many female artists who are trying to get rid of the negative images of women. D.C. Talk, a Christian rap group, is another rap group that doesnt exploit women or encourage violence. In their song That Kinda Girl, the lyrics Love her and respect her, cherish her forever is the way women should be treated. Another song by D.C. Talk I Love Rap Music is a humorous account of how rap music started. In the conclusion of the song they say, Those obscene lyrics are overkilled stating that since 1990 that is all rap music has come to. But since then, Theres been a serious change . . . doin hip hop music with a Christian theme. 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A single iPod can hold as many as 10,000 songs, such collections are searched by title, composer and performer, which allows for basic storage retrieval of music. This system contains many features which include 1) Harmony 2) Rhythm 3) Instrumentation Access to this features supports in turn benefits individuals: 1. Tell me the song that goes. (query by example) 2. Could you increase theRead MoreMusic, Music And Music1293 Words  | 6 Pagessociety has evolved, but through music. It has been a vessel used to evince key emotions when words do not seem to be enough. The dulcet hum of the violin or even the sharp notes from an electric guitar are more than enough to express those intangible, yet impressionable feelings that cannot be fully appreciated through words. However, combine words and music together and the composer has a tool that can awaken a thousand souls all at once. 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The concert supplied the audience with a night that at times, brought calmness and serenity, but at others gave abrupt aggression and force. Today, classical music is considered traditional and one of the earliest forms of music played in concert halls. ThusRead MoreMusic And Dance And Music Essay1555 Words  | 7 PagesThere is no denying that when decent music is playing people cannot help but get in the dancing mood. Studies show that people, even when still in the womb, react to music. This reaction just grows and grows as a person develops... â€Å"children between 1 and 2 years of age were made to listen to Credence Clearwater Revival’s â€Å"Heard it Through the Grapevine†[and] within a minute of listening to the insistent drums and guitar riffs, the babies started to move in synchronicity with the song (BrenshoflRead MoreThe Music Of The World Music Essay1634 Words  | 7 Pagesand society, therefore it cannot be performed. Artists perform their music. While musicians do not perform their race, since it is an inherent quality of all people, it is often, but not always, seen as inauthentic when musicians perform outside of their race, gender, or class. This is especially true when someone from a more privileged class performs the art of the lower class. While completely replicating a certain style of music can often be seen as inauthentic, certain artists can easily performRead MoreThe Music Of Music And Music1876 Words  | 8 Pagescaused Beethoven to become a genius in music performance and composition. Imagine if he wasn’t made to learn about m usic. Since he is one of the greatest influential composers in music, his knowledge wouldn’t have been passed down through the generations. Students shouldn’t be forced to learn about music like Beethoven was, but they can choose to love it on their own. They can only get this opportunity if music programs are added to part of their education. When music education classes are added to the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Myocardial Infarction Essay Example For Students
Myocardial Infarction Essay MYOCARDIAL INFARCTIONWhen someone has a myocardial infarction (MI) people think a cold, right? â€Å"Well it’s not, it’s a heart attack!†It’s the number one cause of death in the United States and kills about 330,000 Americans each year. People don’t realize how big the effect of a heart attack is until they experience their own. By then it is to late! Here are some information explaining the causes, symptoms, and the solution of a heart attack that will help you, your family, and friends. Heart attacks are a coronary heart disease and a form of a cardiovascular disease. Myocardial infarction is caused by a clot formation or spasms in the arteries that supply the blood (a coronary artery). Other conditions of myocardial infarctions are blockage of oxygen supply to the area of the heart, which leads the damage and dead cells of the heart. A related disease that occurs in the coronary arteries is Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the damaged tissues of the coronary arteries that lose the contraction of the heart muscles. A heart attack can cause a person to have a cardiac arrest (a type of rapid continuous irregular heartbeat), which causes the heart to not pump blood to the body parts in need of oxygen. Another fatal cause is ventricular fibrillation. This is your last breathe within the first few hours of the heart attack. All these conditions are related by affecting your heart. It simply says, â€Å"It is a death of the heart muscle†. When a family member feels that they are getting chest pain (angina), bad indigestion, and shortness of breath those are symptom of a heart attack. Symptoms of a heart attack are uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or pain in the center of your chest. These feelings may spread to the shoulders, neck and arms, and may be mild to intense. Anxiety, nervousness, cold sweaty skin, paleness, or a pallor look, and increased or irregular heart rate may follow shortly after. In the event of no breathing ask someone to call 911 and begin CPR immediately. These symptoms may help warn people in the future. The solution of a heart attack is to immediately go to the emergency room and admit them fast! A special machine called an ECG (electrocardiogram) monitors the tracing of the heart. They stick IV for medications and fluids to help the pain. The outcome determines the amount and location of the damaged area. Several surgeries are bypass (coronary artery bypass or a CABG), angioplasty, and a coronary placement (PTCA or percutaneous coronary angioplasty), but rarely a heart transplantation surgery is needed. The prevention of a heart attack is to eat right, exercise, control blood pressure, maintain cholesterol levels, stop smoking and less stress can help. Asking a physician may help a person get back to a normal lifestyle. Myocardial infarction is a serious disease that can’t be taken lightly. This information will help people alike to take care of their body. And some hope you won’t be added to the 330,000 that are killed by a heart attack. BibliographyBIBLIOGRAPHYFamily Doctor: â€Å"Heart Attacks†. Available:, R. â€Å"Heart Attacks†. Online Available: Attack: Online Available: Information Network: †Heart Attack Guide†. Online Available: Marshall Brain’s, how stuff works:†How Heart Attacks and Angina Works†. Online Available: MD Health: â€Å"Myocardial Infarction†. Online Available: Essays
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Quinton Richards Essays (1046 words) - Narratology, Rhetoric
Quinton Richards Professor Towe English 101 22 October 2017 Analysis Essay : " A Letter From Birmingham Jail " "A Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr. was written on scraps of paper that he was allowed while serving time in Birmingham Jail after demonstrations. An article posted by the clergymen of this time sparked his interest and his entrapment in the cell allowed him time to respond to this group of white leaders in Alabama. King's letter addresses specific points presented in the Clergymen's and this direct response distinguishes King's strong points through his powerful writings. Many unethical mentions came to the attention of the Minister and because of this he expressed his differing views and defended his ideals and actions through Aristotle's three rhetorical devices, ethos, logos, pathos. First and foremost, King establishes his credibility to spark off his strong defense. Introducing himself as "The President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. [with] eighty-five affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights" ("Letter from Birmingham Jail" 1 ). This credential not only puts King into a position of power but also proves that he has seen enough of the south and the problems within it to create a strong argument against his opposition. Another point that establishes this is on Page Seven of "Letter from Birmingham Jail" where King states that he's traveled through the "length and breadth of Alabama, Mississippi, and all the other southern states. On sweltering summer da ys and crisp autumn mornings" ( "A Letter from Birmingham Jail" 9 ). This quote defends his credibility further because not only did King travel once through these states but multiple times in different seasons, and even deeper- in different trials that may have been presented. Moreover, throughout the letter, King references the Bible, presidents, and writers to establish not only his educated mind, but also his passion for righteousness and his stance as a minister. The flawless flow of his passionate response to the Clergymen also presents support for his intellect and knowledge due to keeping a reasonable head and developed grammar while writing in the margins of the Clergymen's letter while inhabiting a jail cell. Many of the rhetoric used that convinced King's credibility demonstrated the logic in his counterargument also. In a simple paragraph, he effectively proves his point that extremism for a proper cause isn't something to discredit and should not be looked upon as a negative thing, "Was not Jesus an extremist for LoveWas not Amos and Extremist of justice was not Paul an extremist for the Christian gospel and Abraham Lincolnand Thomas JeffersonThe Question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be" (" A Letter from Birmingham Jail" 7-8 ). After thoroughly tying in many influential figures in history, King then goes on to question the argument of the Clergymen stating that the demonstrations are at fault in Birmingham and not the social situation already simmering. "Throughout Alabama all sorts of devious methods are used to prevent Negroes from becoming registered voters, and there are some counties in whichnot a single Negro is registered" ("Letter from Birmingham Jail" 4) This direct attack on the truth of Alabama in this time brings a harsher light to what happens and what is overlooked to many. King then continues to state that it was hi s "parading without a permit" ("Letter from Birmingham Jail" 5 ), that landed him in the jail and while it is completely fine to have such an "ordinanceit becomes unjust when it is used to maintain segregation and to deny citizens the First Amendment privilege of peaceful assembly and protest" ("Letter from Birmingham Jail" 5) . This direct reference to the constitution of the United States and just and unjust laws and ordinances proves a strong point for King's Rebuttal, which helps to defend the equal rights movement even further. Throughout the passage, after King addresses his credentials and furthers I through his knowledgeable and strong rebuttals of logic, his argument plays further into the conscious of his audience through
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