Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Mills Vs. Hospers
Mill’s utilitarian moral theory and Hospers libertarian moral theory disagree with each other about what is morally correct to do under certain circumstances. In many ways Mill’s utilitarian moral theory would be considered the right way or the only way. In contrast, Hospers libertarian moral theory would also be the right way or the only way. If one could combine the two theories together, then I believe, an almost perfect moral theory would be established. The only problem is that Mill’s and Hospers theories tend to disagree with the basic structures of each other’s theories. It would be almost impossible to combine the two together. I just feel that both theories have their strong points to bring the â€Å"greater good†to society and individuals, unfortunately, because of their differences; it would be too impossible to combine them together. â€Å"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.†(Mill). When Mill speaks of happiness, he doesn’t just mean the happiness of the person acting, but instead everyone that is affected by the action. This requires us to maximize the total amount of happiness and to minimize the happiness of the individual. A big building is on fire and you have the choice to either run out the door as fast as you can or to spray the fire with an extinguisher so that many others could make it out alive. If you choose to save your own life then you are not looking out for the greatest happiness principle. If you choose to sacrifice your life so that great amounts of people can have their life spared, then you are following the principle of the greatest happiness. Mill’s utilitarianism when faced with the moral dilemma identifies appropriate ideas but offers no way to gather necessary information to make the right decision. The lack of information is a big problem in evaluating what the right moral choice should b... Free Essays on Mills Vs. Hospers Free Essays on Mills Vs. Hospers Mill’s utilitarian moral theory and Hospers libertarian moral theory disagree with each other about what is morally correct to do under certain circumstances. In many ways Mill’s utilitarian moral theory would be considered the right way or the only way. In contrast, Hospers libertarian moral theory would also be the right way or the only way. If one could combine the two theories together, then I believe, an almost perfect moral theory would be established. The only problem is that Mill’s and Hospers theories tend to disagree with the basic structures of each other’s theories. It would be almost impossible to combine the two together. I just feel that both theories have their strong points to bring the â€Å"greater good†to society and individuals, unfortunately, because of their differences; it would be too impossible to combine them together. â€Å"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.†(Mill). When Mill speaks of happiness, he doesn’t just mean the happiness of the person acting, but instead everyone that is affected by the action. This requires us to maximize the total amount of happiness and to minimize the happiness of the individual. A big building is on fire and you have the choice to either run out the door as fast as you can or to spray the fire with an extinguisher so that many others could make it out alive. If you choose to save your own life then you are not looking out for the greatest happiness principle. If you choose to sacrifice your life so that great amounts of people can have their life spared, then you are following the principle of the greatest happiness. Mill’s utilitarianism when faced with the moral dilemma identifies appropriate ideas but offers no way to gather necessary information to make the right decision. The lack of information is a big problem in evaluating what the right moral choice should b...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
City council paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
City council paper - Essay Example In addition, on the south of the property, are single family residential, to the east, are commercial properties. The petitioner has purchased two plots to aid in environmental remediation on the property and the corridor (â€Å"Bloomington Board of Zoning Appeals†). The CSX transportation has been working with an environmental firm to remove the pollution from the site. This is important in terms of providing technical assistance in determining the depth of the pollution. The CSX transportation, has worked on the remediation plan for over 20years and have now moved to the south side of the Country Club drive. Part of work on the site, involve setting up monitoring wells that have been dug for purposes of determine the depth of the pollution. The petitioner further claim to have dug collection well that are essential in bringing creasole deposits from the ground which is part of the environmental clean-up. In this regard, the petitioner is faced with the hurdle of storing crea sole on drums and barrels. This, requires a space within the environmental remediation site to store the stockpile of creasole. The storage is important for the petitioner while waiting for appropriate time to incinerate or transport the creasole to New York. Removing the creasole material means there have to be a place within the site where, they can be stored on a short-time period before the next action is taken. In essence, the storage will allow CSX adequate time to look for trucks to load the containers containing the creasole (â€Å"Bloomington Board of Zoning Appeals†). The petitioner is faced with the problem of restriction for outdoor storage and building of an 8ft fence to secure the environmental remediation site. The request by the petitioner is reasonable when considering such factors as damages to the site, vandalism and easing access and cordoning the site because of the nature of work being done which is environmentally unhealthy to the surrounding neighborho ods. To establish an outdoor storage, the CSX transportation has identified Lot 3 to store the containers, however, the planned unit development does not allow for outdoor storage. The environmental remediation on the site present a unique situation and CSX transportation has a reasonable request for outdoor storage while arranging on how to incinerate or transport the collected creasole to New York. In regard to the construction of an 8ft fence to secure the area, the petitioner faces a problem in the sense that, the zoning code only allows for the construction of 8ft fence where there is a primary structure. As a result the petitioner is faced with the problem of using a 4ft fence that does not secure the environmental remediation site. The high fence is important in securing the site because the nature of work is environmentally unfriendly and securing the area is of utmost importance (â€Å"Bloomington Board of Zoning Appeals†). The other problem that the petitioner faces involves passing through traffic and homeless person in the proximity of the environmental remediation site. Cordoning the area with 8ft fence is essential in securing access to the collection area. Further, the other problem that faced the CSX transportation involved establishing a storage point on a portion of property that is on a flood plain. This is not desirable especially with the outdoor storage of contaminant
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Adminstrative Ethics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Adminstrative Ethics Paper - Essay Example Organizational and institutional standards are maximizing familiar location when people speak about their present health management systems. Organizational financing materials, employer employee relations and structural designs are all mentioned as areas where moral obstacles and value fights are coming high. The high tensions built by dissimilarities in organizational, personal, and expertise merits. Executives/Administrators have become demoralized with institutions that do not embody qualities stable with those by which they expect to live. As claimed by Badaraco and Webb (1995) study, most of the young administrators complained being asked to do things they particularly trust were undesired and sometimes not allowed. Well-intentioned administrators were revealed to rely on a blend of corporate credos, declaration of their own certitudes, ethics hotlines, training schedules, and ombudsmen to create to ethical levels for their companies. As an outcome of inconsistent institutional moral levels, confusing patterns arise composing the recognition of a cynical perspective of institutional or business standards by young le aders. The researchers study mentioned the importance of values tutelage and a higher knowledge of ethical resolution-making for administrators. Administrative healthcare setting, ensure an unceasing presence of moral issues embedded in each day’s performances. The administrator of the health management has authorities to self, to the business, to the client fulfilled by the group, and also to the workers who give services at the company. With the data systems development, one ethical bother that frequently presents itself to the executive is information confidentiality. Confidential data is facts that are personal, secret and very much privileged. Administrator’s private information in the health care setting goes to the extent of patient medical data to broader information operations that direct
Sunday, November 17, 2019
El Lissitzky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
El Lissitzky - Essay Example He designed several exhibition display and propaganda for the Soviet Union and experimented with several techniques and styles that set him apart from other artist, in creativity, and later paved a niche for him through the 20th century (Lissitzky-Kuppers, 1980; Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum and El Lissitzy, 1990). Lazar Markovich Lissitzky, a Jew, started as an artist early in life copying and illustrating Yiddish children's books. His efforts were basically aimed a promoting the Jewish culture in Russia, in line with the several changes taking place after the country's anti-Semitic laws were repealed. Starting at the age of 15, he began teaching, a duty that he never strayed far away from, for the most part of his life (Friedberg, 1987). He taught in a variety of positions, schools, and artistic mediums, spreading and exchanging ideas at a rapid pace. The ability to imbibe people's ideas and at the time same influencing them, was his unique trait. This trait was exhibited when he met and worked with Malevich in heading the suprematist art group UNOVIS, when he developed a variant suprematist series of his own, Proun, and further still in 1921, when he took up a job as the Russian cultural ambassador in Weimar Germany, working with and influencing important figures of the Bauhaus and De Stijl movements during his stay (Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum and El Lissitzy, 1990). Also, in his later days, he significantly influenced and brought several innovations to the fields of typography, exhibition design, photomontage, and book design. He produced several internationally recognised works. This continued until his deathbed, where in 1941 he produced one of his last known works - a Soviet propaganda poster rallying the people to construct more tanks for the fight against Nazi Germany (Lissitzky-Kuppers, 1980). However, the entire career and works of El Lissitzky was inspired by his belief that art should serve the needs of the society and that the artist should be an agent of change. From this perspective, it can be argued that his innovations in the world of art were driven by his resolve to serve societal needs, or affect the lots of the people, giving his devotion to the communist movement (Lissitzky-Kuppers, 1980; Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum and El Lissitzy, 1990). This essay therefore, intends to examine the life and work of El Lissitzky with a view to analysing the impacts and effects that the ethical and ideological views prevalent during his days, especially during the Russian Revolution had on his approach to art and design. To achieve this purpose, this essay will be structured thus: the first section of this essay shall briefly describe the history of El Lissitzky and the rise of the Proletarian Culture to provide a background understanding of his early days and perhaps his motivation. The second section will describe the several popular works of this artist and attempt to critically examine the influence of the prevalent soviet ideological of the time, on such work of art. Also, by looking at how his approach to art and design metamorphosed from the early days of illustrating Yiddish books to his later days in typography, on would gain an insight into how prevalent ethics and ideological perspectives influenced his approach to, and
Friday, November 15, 2019
What Is The Human Capital Management Commerce Essay
What Is The Human Capital Management Commerce Essay The concept of human capital has nowadays emerged and its importance is increasing daily. As Chatzkel(2004) rightly stated ,it is effectively the human capital that is the differentiator and the actual basis for competitive advantage. Human Capital refers to the right combination of intelligence, skills and expertise owned by an organizations employees. Essentially, this encapsulates: Intellectual capital the knowledge individuals possess Social capital derived from both internal and external relationships between employees; and Organizational capital the knowledge stored in organizational manuals and databases. Employees own abilities, behaviours and talents and only they have the power to decide how and in what ways to apply them. This capital will only be made available for as long as the life and blood of our organization gain value in return for the investment. It is up to organizations and human resource executives to create the right mix of performance incentives to motivate and empower employees whilst building a constructive labour-management relationship. Collins and Porras (1994) proved that a strong and emerging company culture is significant for both survival and corporate organisational success. However, this is ineffective unless an alignment between people and company-value characteristics exists. The long term survival of the organization can only exist if there is the correct link between HR practices and the organizations strategic vision. This is what human capital management strives to achieve. Human capital management is in itself a journey; it tries to implement the purposeful measurement and use of metrics to establish the importance of each individual as a value-added intangible asset in the organisation. Organisations may start by collecting basic information regarding their employees such as employee turnover and absence, which is then analysed to draw up conclusions on trends. Decisions are then taken based upon this analysis. Methodologically collected and analyzed human capital data can effectively help managers in defining the factors direct impacting their subordinates. The 3 Stages of Development in People Management Through decades, theorists tried to find the best ways for people management. In Classic Personnel Management, the main focus was on how to manage, recruit and acquire people on the basis of job description, with an authoritarian and top-down approach. Employees were simply a cost to be minimized and training them was provided to suit organizational needs. The change to human resource management brought a paradigm shift in the organizations perception of its employees. Employees were now seen as resources to be expended in pursuit of organizational goals, whilst training was aimed at multi-availability. In human capital management, employees take a central role in corporate life. It is no longer a question of exploiting employees but rather investing in these intangible assets. As with any investment, the goal is to maximise value through talent management, retention and personal training and development plans. Human Capital Management introduces the strategic and people-centred approach, linking it with the organizations strategic vision for itself and for its people. It aims to determine the impact of the human factor on business performance and their effect upon shareholders value. It is not enough to have the right talent at the right time in an organisation. It is now vital to nurture employees by educating and enriching their jobs to contribute towards organisational needs. The biggest challenge organizations are now facing is choosing the best people who will drive up the organisations enterprise value and create sustained commercial advantage. Challenges in HCM The Need for Metrics Neil Roden, the Group Director of the Royal Bank of Scotland, rightly stated: Human capital is often represented as both an opportunity and a challenge. A challenge to identify relevant measures and meaningful information to be acted on, and an opportunity to both evaluate and maximise the value of people. Researchers have demonstrated that motivated human capital results in improved accounting profits; however, HR professional and line managers have sincere difficulty in translating this into practice. Trying to justify investments in people, in training and innovation, knowledge management and leadership development is difficult with the absence of proper metrics. The starting point in properly valuing human capital is to understand how to measure the contribution of human capital to organizational success. Human resource lacks the science and tools to describe and measure human capital and without measurement, organizations cannot manage human capital. The process of identifying suitable measures together with collecting and analysing related information will focus organizations attention on what needs to be done to use human capital to its maximum potential. Approaches to Human Capital Measurement The most popular approaches in measuring human capital are those developed by Mercer HR Consulting, the organizational performance model, and Andrew Mayo, the human capital monitor. The organizational performance model focuses upon key elements, explicitly: people and work processes; organizational management structures; decision making; reward strategies. Conversely, the human capital monitor portrays human asset worth as a product of employment cost and individual asset multiplier where the IAM is the weighted average of: Capabilities; employee growth potential; personal performance; alignment to organizational values. Rather than the actual measurement process, what is important is the result. This implies identifying whether human capital is sufficiently meeting our needs. Metrics chosen for human capital measurement rely upon the type of organisation and the business organisational goals and what actually drives these organizational goals. Human Capital Measures and their Uses Organisations may opt to use different data, categorized as: HCM Data Measures and Possible Uses Demographic data e.g. job category, sex, age Work Force Composition Analyze the extent of diversity and extent to which the organization relies on part-timers Absenteeism/Sickness rates- Recognize the need of a sound attendance management policy Average vacancies per % of total workforce- Identify probable shortfall problematic areas Total payroll costs Outcome of Equal Pay Review Human Development and Performance Data learning and development programmes, employee skills and qualifications Skills Analyses/Assessment:Match skills to job requirements and identify areas of shortfall Training Hours per Employee- gives an indication of the amount of training activity Perceptual data relating to attitudes and believes Cost Savingas a result of employee suggestion schemes highlights the value generated by employees Emerging Measurement Techniques of Human Capital An organizations employees are by far the best source of information about practices and management processes. New systems can easily be developed by applying the HR tool creatively designing an effective employee survey and applying the six sigma techniques to analyse and draw up conclusions. The six sigma technique is used to link variations from one end the quality of processes and practices used in managing employees to business outcomes across different units (sales productivity, profit margins,etc)The survey should be designed in a way so as to strike the right balance between employee commitment and satisfaction and organizational capabilities. Questions should be focused on identifying the extent to which best practices in managing human capital are effective within the organization. The six sigma-type analysis is a simple provider of a leadership assessment serving as a catalyst for improvement whilst providing significant input for an organizations balanced scorecards. The Balanced Scorecard has emerged as an important tool in identifying the missing link between human resource and enterprise. By using balanced score cards, Human Resource Professionals can define the impact of human capital on the organizational strategy. This specifies how Human Resource can be transformed from a sideline player to a business partner. As managing human capital by instinct is no longer effective, the faster an organization adapts to their methodologies and metrics, the more it gains significant competitive advantage. Human Capital Internal Reporting The analysis and reporting of human capital data to both top and line management leads to better decision making and to the taking of rapid actions. It allows a better ability to recognize problems in demonstrating the effectiveness of HR solutions and thus, supporting the business case for greater investment. Management report should be simple, credible and accurate and provide guidance as to what actions should be taken. Human Capital External Reporting External reporting should unveil the necessary information for understanding the development in the performance and position of the organization. Information should be narrative and quantitative as well as available and relevant. Human capital external reporting should offer information on possible barriers and be future-oriented to draw attention upon the contribution of human capital to the organizations future performance. Human Capital Management Techniques in Practice Human capital Management should have the optimization of the flow, deployment and development of human talent within an organization as one of its primary objectives. Future human capital needs should be projected to ensure a good balance of quality and skills, including an appropriate number of future employees and key competencies required for mission accomplishment. These human capital decisions allow managers to spot areas of particular attention before crisis develop. Talent Management and Employee Motivation In managing talents, organizations may choose either to align people with the roles they should fill in the organization or else retain people as the fixed element and adjusting their roles upon their character and personal skills. In choosing to align people with roles, organizations try to recruit good learners who will respond best to development opportunities and organizational succession development. Conversely, when roles are built around people customizing rewards and compensations according to the employees individual preferences and needs employees will feel more involved in the organization, hence maximising their job satisfaction and motivation. The use of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators can also help in retaining good quality staff and encouraging them to give their maximum potential while at work. Training, Development and Succession Planning Training and development of employees should be high up on the organizations agenda. This helps in meeting the changing needs of individuals and organizations. After training employees, an effective organization should try to build up an inventory including knowledge, skills and employees competencies and updating it according to changing needs and organizational training patterns. Organizations may choose from a wide variety of development techniques: courses, seminars, on-the-job-training and a diversity of training resources interactive, internet based etc. An even better approach to development would be the introduction of a mentor-apprentice relationship that can assist in meeting specific performance needs. In light of this, truly effective deployment transferring staff to different units to help them gain further knowledge and skills requires an extensive strategic process to ensuring this transfer is to the best benefit for both the organization and the individuals. Moreover, the policy of the enterprise should incorporate planning for the entire organization as well as career planning for individual employees. By developing a culture in which investment and learning is encouraged, organizations would indirectly be working towards reducing resignations and turnover. This minimizes hiring replacement costs and creates an internal brand facilitating the recruitment of new talents. Organizations can evaluate organizational culture in light of reasons given for employee departure by analyzing exit interview response. Leadership Organizations should cultivate a steadfast leadership team to steer the ship of the company and provide reasonable continuity through succession planning. HCM in this area encourages effective teamwork and ensuring continuity through executive succession and development planning. In todays labour market, it is essentially important to focus on developing excellent leadership skills, especially trust building. An effective strategic human management approach would not be possible without the sustained attention of a competent senior leadership team in valuing and investing in their employees. This leadership is crucial for an organization to overcome its resistance to change, organize the necessary resources and create an organization-wide commitment to improving business operations. Effective leaders have the authority to offer recruiting bonuses, retention allowances and skill-based pay in addition to investment in training and professional development. Performance Culture/Management and Reward Management Accountability and fairness at the workplace is essentially important in empowering and motivating employees through recruitment bonuses, retention allowances and improved working conditions. An organization needs to assess its workforces performance and incorporate strategies to reward professional and ethical behaviour, integrity and employees loyalty whilst promoting teamwork and customer focused-performance. Information Technology and the introduction of a Diversity Policy in favour of Inclusiveness makes the organization a better place to work for. Knowledge workers and the best talents in the industry rest within an organization for as long as it is capable of providing a challenging and stimulating environment; hence, organisations should strive to meet this objective. Industrial Relations Effective Industrial Relations also contributes effective capital management. An organization loaded with industrial conflicts gives an indication of an ineffective management style. Sound industrial relations schemes should be built upon tripartism: namely the participation of the government, employers and employees. Provision of Employees Services Organization should cater for their employees welfare in terms of their mental and physical well-being. The forms this welfare can take are many and can vary from financial needs such as loans to counselling in respect of personal employees problematic circumstances. Best Approach to Human Capital Management Human Capital Management will not reach its full potential unless all processes within the employee life cycle are fully integrated and automated. For example: the same job profile used by recruiters to aid them in hiring employees should be utilized to develop the performance of the individual. The first generation of HCM catered for business needs through the assimilation of recruitment, learning and succession planning. Organizations have realised that software such as Enterprise Resource Planning and Human Resource Information Systems are only part of the puzzle the remaining parts content and services will be the major focal points of the next generation of HCM solutions. The main components of a good human capital management solution include: Learning Management Systems courseware, testing instruments and evaluations; Applicant Tracking System interview guides, screening aids and job profiles; Performance Management System goal templates and mentor guides; Succession Planning proficiency profiles and career paths. Contents and services should no longer be a late addition clients and solution providers should collaborate to provide a fully fletched system to complete the necessary HCM functionalities. The Future of Human Capital Management The Future of Human Capital management is thought to revolve around: task-based automation for jobs which are repetitive in nature; Vendors should deliver solutions which allow the systematic measurement and improvement of employee performance in a variety of tasks; project based HCM for task which are dependent upon teamwork and individual creativity. This will allow organizations to spot potential flaws relating to incongruity or inconsistency beforehand. The use of online metrics for gaining continuous employee feedback Essentially, organizations should try and think ahead of the curve in the utilization of the latest technological developments to maximize their human intangible assets. In retrospect, human capital management requires a transformational manager to develop a group of employees with high capability and commitment. This approach can achieve returns-on-investments discernibly higher than other assets, enabling managers expectations to meet employees realities.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
“Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin – Character
A dynamic character is a major character in a work of fiction that encounters conflict and is changed by it. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin, the emotional pattern and thought process of Louise Mallard after she is informed of her husband’s death are explored. Over the course of the hour in which the story takes place Louise has a realization about the constraints she feels in her life and in her marriage. By delineating Louise as a flat and dynamic character, Chopin is able to convey her theme that real freedom is found in death.Over the course of the story, all the characters are left as fairly flat and undeveloped. Louise is simply described as a young woman with â€Å"a fair, clam face whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength†(paragraph 8) and that was suffering from a heart condition. When the death of her husband, Brently, is revealed her immediate reaction was that of despair. After weeping suddenly with â€Å"wild abandon ment,†Louise retreated to her room in order to collapse in solitude (paragraph 3 and 4). The tragic realization and emotional exhaustion eventually leads Louise to a realization of freedom.By whispering â€Å"free, free, free! †(paragraph 11) under her breath and not over thinking the feeling she had, Louise was able to embrace the joy with open arms she discovered in her newfound freedom. Although she knew that she would be torn apart at the sight of â€Å"the face that had never looked save with love upon her†(paragraph 12) as a corpse, Louise welcomed the oncoming years spent in devotion to her own desires. This shift in position on death motivates Louise to realize that Brently’s death should not be dwelled on with sorrow. Motivation is a sufficient reason for a character to act the way they do.Louise’s motivation for living a liberated life comes through the open window. Through nature, Chopin provides Louise with purpose. For example, while being described, the upstairs room is left with the simplistic depiction that it has only a single roomy armchair. When her husband is no longer there to restrict her potential, the house, which was once her cage, finally opens up to the outside world. With the â€Å"breath of rain in the air†and the tree tops bursting with life (paragraph four), Louise begins her journey to her conclusion.Even though the visualization of nature, Louise is competent enough to grasp that her love for Brently could not compare to the â€Å"possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being†(paragraph fifteen). Soon enough she had nearly forgotten her departed lover and was â€Å"drinking in an elixir of life through that open window†(paragraph eighteen). After the inhalation of submission, Louise â€Å"carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory†(paragraph twenty) down the stairs.In doing so, the once emotionally unstable and physically ailed woman with â€Å"white slender hands†(paragraph ten) was able to prepare for a life without discretion or restrictions. The development of Louise only seized due to her preexisting medical condition claiming her life. However this motivation is what caused Louise to act in the ways she did and refined the theme. The development of character in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is left stagnant. Having a flat main character allows the reader to identify with the story on a level of understanding separate from that of any round character.Although the reader is inserted into Louise’s mind, an entirely understood background for her is missing. In doing so a void is made in which the reader can implant themselves into the character’s shoes to further comprehend the exact emotions of Louise during the hour. This further expands the understanding of theme because as Louise remains in front of the window with her arms spread welcoming the years to come, since she is left lacking in detail, the reader can jump into her place; they can shed tears with her or drink the elixir of life with her.The theme that death is the ultimate release from constraint is understood in the story due to Chopin’s development of Louise as a flat and dynamic character. While companionship and love are significantly important aspects of life, Chopin was able to demonstrate that Louise was ecstatic only when she realized the new way she could live her life. After all, the Greek historian Thucydides once said, â€Å"the secret of happiness is freedom. †Works Cited: Kennedy, XJ and Dana Gioia. Literature, An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing. Seventh edition. Boston: Pearson, 2010. Print.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
In Jane Eyre love and marriage are important in different ways Essay
It is not personal, but mental endowments they have given you: you are formed for labour, not for love†¦I claim you not for my pleasure, but for my Sovereign’s service.†In the light of St John’s proposal, discuss the importance in Jane Eyre of love and marriage. In Jane Eyre love and marriage are important in different ways. In some relationships the two aspects are disconnected and in one they are eventually united. St John views marriage as a practical arrangement. ‘It is not personal’ shows that St John views marriage as separate from his emotions and love. This supported when he addresses his claim on her ‘for [his] Sovereign’s service.’ He feels that marrying Jane is something he has to do, and he is marrying her for the purpose of duty. This links to Victorian morality because marriage was generally viewed as something that was done for a purpose such as marrying for status, money or duty. The society would have frowned upon wild marriages based on love without a valid reason. Apart from St John’s loveless marriage principles, there are elements in the novel where love outweighs marriage, but eventually equalises which is reflected in Rochester and Jane’s relationship. There is also a passionate at first marriage which then becomes incomplete and loveless and this is shown through Bertha and Rochester’s marriage. St John and Jane’s relationship is one which is more associated with friendship, and the fact that they are cousins, that Jane is in love with Rochester, and St John is in love with Rosamond Oliver means that there is never any romantic link between the two. There is no love and Jane identifies this. ‘We did not love each other as man and wife should†¦we ought not to marry’ Jane’s views are very individualistic as society would have not have approved of her ideas that marriage should be the product of true love and passion. Of course St John disagrees with this idea and in fact thinks the opposite so his ideas of love and marriage correspond with those of society. He tells Jane that ‘[she] is formed for labour, not for love’ which is important because it highlights the reason he is marrying her. ‘Labour’ shows that he thinks that Jane is someone who would be a good missionary’s wife and potential child bearer but it suggests a very mundane style of living which is not what Jane wants. In some ways it seems as if St John is using her because the marriage doesn’t benefit her in any way. The verb ‘formed’ suggests that it is Jane’s destiny and fate to be a missionary’s wife. St John’s potential marriage to Jane is a direct contrast to if he was to marry Rosamond Oliver. ‘I love Rosamond Oliver so wildly†¦she would not make me a good wife.’ He loves Rosamond Oliver and his feelings towards her are passionate; the connotations on the adverb ‘wildly’ suggest not only passionate intensity but also that marrying Rosamond would be a wild, reckless decision. However as much as he loves her, his definition of a good wife is not someone who he loves and cares about but someone who is appropriate for his duty. The use, therefore, of St John’s proposal to Jane is a way of showing that he viewed the role of marriage as more important than love. Jane and Rochester’s relationship has three stages to it, which eventually, culminates in marriage. The first stage is their early relationship, which is filled with love and passion, but is also constantly bordered by social status. Jane and Rochester are kindred spirits ‘I feel akin to him’ there is a deeper connection immediately between the two which provides the basis of their love. On top of this the passion between the two of them is immense. ‘Come to the fire.’ When Rochester says this, it is an indication that he wants Jane to be closer and attracted to him.’ He represents the ‘fire’ and the passion which Jane’s life until then had been lacking. Rochester’s status is only due to experience but they are intellectually equal. Mr Rochester is used to giving orders and Jane receiving them. An important point however is Rochester’s constant portrayal of leaning on Jane. This evens out the social superiority he has over her, because each time he leans on her, and their relationship develops, Jane grows in social status. The next stage of their relationship is when Rochester proclaims his love for Jane and proposes.’ I summon you as my wife.’ This proposal can be compared to St John’s because even though both of them have the commanding tone, Rochester wants Jane for himself, not for duty. The verb ‘summon’ could indicate that that Rochester believes that being his wife is Jane’s destiny. Even though Jane accepts, she has doubts. These are amplified when she finds out about Bertha Mason. ‘Jane fears the â€Å"vapoury veil†that Jane Rochester will wear for an unequal marriage and secretly desires to tear it up; Bertha does it for her’ She is not willing to surrender her dignity for the sake of passion. In some ways the discovery of Bertha Mason is a blessing in disguise. She follows her head and not her heart and this leads to her leaving Thornfield, and Rochester. The final stage of their relationship is when Jane and Rochester eventually get married. ‘Reader, I married him.’ Their initial love and passion is still there but Jane’s inheritance and Rochester’s loss of Thornfield and loss of sight is what makes them more socially equal, though it seems Jane is now superior. The difference between this and the first time they were meant to marry, is that Jane develops, emotionally, mentally and financially, so the marriage is now more inclined to work. Also with Bertha Mason no longer alive, Jane doesn’t feel guilty and doesn’t have to go against the religious acceptance she has developed. The personal pronoun ‘I’ shows that this time it’s her decision because she is ready to marry him. The marriage is now egalitarian. Jane does not lose her independent spirit but it can be argued that ‘Jane does submit to the authority of her husband.’ Jane and Rochester’s relationship shows the perfect union of love and marriage. Bertha and Rochester’s marriage is one which represents passion at the start, which disappears and is replaces by hatred. They get married based on the initial passion. ‘I thought I loved her.’ Rochester acknowledges that he got married too quickly without getting to know about Bertha, or her life and family. He blames this on the naivety of youth, the pressure of society and his family’s greed for money. Bertha and Rochester’s marriage is significant because it seems to be the paradox for what Jane and Rochester’s marriage may have been similar too, had Jane decided to marry Rochester before. This is why Jane questions if she was mad if Rochester would have treated her similarly which she may have been if she had married Rochester and sacrificed her integrity. This is also shown when Jane says ‘I experienced a strange feeling as the key grated in the lock.’ This brings back memories of being locked in the red room for Jane. The verb ‘grated’ suggests it was something Jane was used to; a familiar sound. It also suggests that Jane knows what it was like to be under such restriction; there was no means of escape, and it finally shows that it was something which annoyed and upset Jane, which evoked similar but stronger feelings for Bertha. Jane has experienced a small sample of what Bertha experiences. So therefore Jane and Bertha share similarities and therefore Bertha can be seen as Jane’s antagonist. Bertha and Rochester’s relationship is one which has no love, and one where marriage is portrayed as inconvenient. Their marriage is not what a marriage should be. It can be said that their relationship lacks both love and a true marriage. In conclusion, love and marriage is important in Jane Eyre. St. John and Jane’s relationship is one where there is no love but one where marriage is still seen as a possibility for a purpose. Jane and Rochester’s relationship is one where the love and passion override a successful marriage but eventually the two are united equally. Finally, Bertha and Rochester’s relationship is one where there is some passion at first but it quickly dies and all that it is left is a hateful , empty marriage which offers a contrast to Jane and Rochester’s relationship.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Cost Overruns Essays
Cost Overruns Essays Cost Overruns Essay Cost Overruns Essay Cost overruns are as a result of the mismatch between projected costs and the actual results. For most construction projects, projections are necessary for the project to go on smoothly and at the same tine be done within the three factors of performance, which are, time, quality and cost. As the study indicated, the main factor leading to cost overrun is the political situation, especially for a politically unstable region, such as the West Bank. The main reasons for this are that political instability leads to lack of predictability. With this kind of high unpredictability, it is hard for those involved to plan properly, because there are many variables that van affect the accuracy of their predictability. Without the project managers being able to plan effectively, it becomes harder for the project to be done within time, budget and expected quality. Time, for instance is a major factor that needs to be addressed because it is a cost driver. With political uneasiness, it is hard for projects to be done in time. This is because delays will happen when there are disruptions in the peace of the region. With time of project completion not being predictable, it is hard for the project to be done within budget. This is as a result of the fact that time affects the other aspects of project completion, such as quality and cost. Every time there is a delay, more cost is added to the project. As a result, this could be the reason why unstable regions such as the West Bank experience more cost overrun and have higher risks of cost overruns. The other reason that can be attached to the reason why political instability is the most significant factor that affects the cost overrun is the fact that it has a direct impact on the economics of a nation or regions. With modern projects, international operations is almost always a necessary. This would mean that there is a flow of foreign currency meant for the project, and any political instability is likely to cause changes in the exchange rate. Although this was not a major variable in the study, it is feasible to conclude that political instability can lead to cost overruns through the foreign exchange rates that are affected by the political stability of a region. This would definitely change a lot of factors ranging from the cost of materials to labor cost. It is also necessary to note that the political instability can lead to not only shifting foreign currency exchange rates but also to disruption of labor. With a region such as the West Bank, it would be necessary to note that when there is political upheavals, more people are likely to forgo work, which would then lead to high cost of labor. As a result, it is no surprise that political instability is cited as the most serious reason for cost overruns for construction projects in unstable regions. As the results indicate, over 45% of the respondents allocated an increase of 11% to 30% on consecution projects in the West Bank region, while , 41.7% of the participants allocated 6% to 10% of cost overrun in such projects. These percentages are too high, especially considering that the projects are who millions of dollars, which would mean that even a 1% increase in the estimated cost would lead to a lot of money which was not planned for the project being injected to the project. This can be highly risky for construction firms that take out jobs on contracts because it can eat on the profits of the firm and render such projects unprofitable. It is also necessary to note that 8.3% of the respondents even estimated cost overruns of up to 51%. With such overruns rates, carrying out projects in such an area can be an impossible endeavor, whether for contracting firms or for those who carry out own projects. While 72.9% of responders indicated that all of there are many factors for cost overrun, 16.7% attributed political instability to the problem of cost overruns. Construction projects, just like any economic endeavors, are affected by political problems in a big way. This could be because of, apart from the problem of unpredictability, the fact that political instability is something that is beyond the control of players that affect the economic at the micro level. Unlike other factors such as social issues that are easier to navigate, political instability is difficult to control, which would then make it harder for those affected to avoid its impact on their economic activity. However, as the results indicated, social factors also have a major impact on the way a project is planed and implemented and can affect how well a project will be able to stick to the projected costs, time and quality. For managers operating in such regions, mastering the art of navigating the unpredictable p olitical labyrinth can be a big factor to help them deal with cost overruns.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Differences of the New England and Chesapeake Regions essays
Differences of the New England and Chesapeake Regions essays What was life like for the American colonist at the end of the seventeenth century? Well, if someone were to ask the residents of Chesapeake and New England they would almost certainly get an analysis of two very distinct societies. Due to geographical, climatic, economic, and moral differences, New England and Chesapeake developed into completely dissimilar regions. The effects of climate and geography had an extremely opposite reaction in reference to New England and Chesapeake. A harsh climate in Chesapeake allowed diseases such as malaria, dysentery, and typhoid run ramped. Half the people born in early Virginia and Maryland did not live to see their twentieth birthdays. In addition families were both few and fragile in this fierce environment. But while Chesapeake was dealing with a harsh climate, New England was reaping the benefits of cleaner water and cooler temperatures that prevented the spread of killer diseases. In contrast to the fate of the Chesapeake residents, new Englanders added ten years to their life by moving there. One settler even claimed, a sip of new Englands air is better than a whole draft of old Englands ale. The healthy environment of New England contributed to a more family centered life compared to the Chesapeakes. Along with different climates came different economic practices. Although unhealthy for the Chesapeake residents, tobacco cultivation proved to be perfectly suited for the region. Almost 40 million pounds of tobacco a year was exported out of Chesapeake by 1700. This increase in tobacco meant more labor in the form of indentured servants. Both Virginia and Maryland engaged in a headright system. Under this method whoever paid for the passage of the worker, were rewarded with fifty acres of land. By 1700 Chesapeake planters brought some 100,000 servants to the region. Eventually these free white slaves grew restless...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Qualitative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Qualitative Research - Essay Example This qualitative research approach takes into consideration the nature of a human being. It requires the researcher to find individuals who understand the objectives of the study and are willing to provide the required information (Key, 1997). After collecting data, the researcher will have to classify and rank it. They have to develop a general overview of the collected information and be able to identify outstanding issues. This design is suitable for the research topic because its principal objective is to examine human behavior and the experiences that human beings go through. There are three methods through which qualitative data for a research project on section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 can be carried out. They are; participant observation, the use of case studies and interviewing individuals who can provide credible information on the subject. The first method that can be used is participant observation. The method will allow the researcher to collect and organize data in a systematic way that is based on social science theory and methodology (Key, 1997). The researcher will observe if and how the Rehabilitation Act is applied in Federal programs and recruitment of people. This can be achieved by requesting to participate in the evaluation of Federal programs and recruitment exercises. However, the researcher has to periodically carry out a self evaluation to ensure that they are carrying out an unbiased research (Key, 1997). The main reason for using this method is that it provides an opportunity to experience the application of the Act i n a natural setting. In addition, the other variables that may be involved can be analyzed. Case studies are detailed investigations of individuals, organizations or communities with the aim of understanding how a concept, principle or law is applied. The researcher will attempt to analyze the variables that are relevant to the Rehabilitation Act. The main
Friday, November 1, 2019
Strategy and change management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Strategy and change management - Essay Example With the aim to reduce the operational cost several business enterprises engaged in the airline industry decided to merge. The year 2008 marked the emergence of the world’s largest airline named Delta after the successful merger of two proclaimed organizations namely Delta Airlines, Inc and Northwest Airline Corp. The capability of the newly developed airline company increased as a result of the merger. Northwest Airline is now a subsidiary of the former organization. The low cost airlines seem to compete in the market where the density of passengers is high and in such a market the low cost airlines can enjoy the competitive advantages. They offer timely services and the low cost acts as the catalyst in driving the travellers to the airlines booking offices. In the airline industry the economies of scale theory has a major role to play. The density of traffic allows the airline organizations to offer such low fares and is a prime feature of the industry. The economies of scale theory also bring some non price benefits along with it. The airline companies try to compete with the tool of product d ifferentiation and the quality customer service seems to make up the other tools of competition. The airline operators in Europe and America had to face turbulences during the period of downturn. The competition revolved around fares, service and operational efficiency. The over reliance on the market of North America has been one of the reason for the turbulence for the company under consideration. The topic of merger and acquisition is a topic of discussion in the airline industry. The price of fuel and the increased cost of operation have acted to shuffle the balance of the forecasted growth for the airline operators. The assignment will take into consideration the significance of the merger that exists between Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines. In 2008 the two companies discussed
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